Our Pillars


It’s easy to assume that companies naturally align with organizations that are the largest or most assertive, but reality often proves otherwise. At the Fresh Chef Foundation, we understand the importance of genuine alignment between corporate values and philanthropic partners. We encourage companies to consider their mission, customer priorities, and desired impact. Whether it’s supporting opportunities for culinary education among underprivileged youth or aiding rural communities worldwide in their journey towards food security, we tailor partnerships to maximize meaningful impact and shared values.

Pick a cause, then pick your partner

Ready to make a culinary impact with us?

Before joining forces, let’s dig deep into what makes the Fresh Chef Foundation stand out. Explore our mission and values to ensure they resonate with your desire to empower aspiring chefs and combat food insecurity. Take a peek at our financial reports and news coverage to see how we’re making a difference. And don’t forget to check out our dedicated trustee board—who’s steering the ship and ensuring our goals stay on course? With your thorough research, you’ll be sure your support goes directly to transforming lives through food. Let’s cook up change together!

Once you’ve found the ideal partner, think carefully about what you are trying to achieve together. A close partnerships with a clear plan translates into tangible and measurable results. However, crucial to this process is communication and openness: the more employees, investors, customers, and the broader community understand about the partnership, the more they will be able to help in achieving the goals set, by playing an active role or by becoming good ambassadors.

Clearer goals, better outcomes

Monitoring and feedback

Focused on innovative solutions

Close monitoring and clear evaluation of the projects will allow you to report concrete results back to your stakeholders, while creating a space for reflection to understand what might have gone wrong and whether there is space for improvement.

Strong partnership

Productive cooperation

There is no doubt that productive cooperation between an NGO and a business can be demanding. However, when done right, strong partnerships will bring larger benefits for companies and achieve far more long-term and tangible results for the charity and for wider society.

Strong results

Stakeholders involved

Charityfy work have a lot in common with doing business: goals have to be set and results evaluated. By doing so, you can learn more about what you are achieving and whether there is room for betterment in the delivery of effective and meaningful change.